
Volunteer Career Services in a Prison
Building a Nontraditional Career Path
Business Behaving Well: Social Responsibility
The Growing Divide Calls for Advocacy__
Reaching for Our Deep Gladness
Here is a link to our article in CERIC's Careering magazine:
Keeping Hope Alive for Clients in the Criminal Justice System
Here is a link to our Zoom presentation for the COO Executives in Transition group of the Chief Operating Officer Business Forum:
Guiding Your Career: Meaning and Purpose
Here is a link to our Zoom presentation for a COO Forum Global Meeting
Building Affiliation and Workforce Strength
Here is a link to our interview with Phase2Careers:
Interview with Phase2Careers about How to Build a Nontraditional Career Path
Here is a link to our article on the careeronestop web site:
Differentiating a nontraditional career path
Here is a link to our webinar sponsored by the Association of Career Professionals International (ACPI):
How to Build a Nontraditional Career Path